Feed The World: End Food Scarcity Worldwide
Featured Charity: Heifer International
About one in ten people in the United States are struggling with food insecurity. Rule Areas in the United States struggle particularly in providing nutritious food when facing poverty due to their isolated location. (Source: USDA)
As for the rest of the world, The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) reports that about 2.37 billion people did not have access to adequate food in 2020, which includes both moderate and severe levels of food insecurity. This represents an increase of 320 million people in just one year. What’s worse is that the GHI (Global Hunger Index) using four indicators: undernourishment, child wasting (low weight for height), child stunting (low height for age), and child mortality found that there are 47 countries in the world that have serious or extreme levels of hunger. That’s nearly one in four countries who’s famine are affecting roughly one in three people Globally! We can and MUST do better going forward.
Solution 1: Charities setting the groundwork in specific areas where food is most scarce whom have an abundance of food & water is a MUST: with a special emphasis being placed on Sub Sahara Africa and South Asia where food scarcity is at its worst. Such charities as Action Against Hunger (Sub Sahara Africa) and World Vision (South Asia) have set the groud work in which numerous other hunger-based charitable organizations could follow suit.
Solution 2: Education on farming & hunting according to one’s location are a MUST starting at an early age and must be consistently demonstrated throughout their education. Being able to maximize resources will at the very least give people a chance at moving out of extremely impoverished conditions. Such education should come from both teachers from their respective regions of the world and from members of the established charity database.
Solution 3: Just as the Feeding America website has a national food bank database, countries with the greatest issues of famine should have similar databases with the closest locations for food resources. This would be useful both for those who have some form of internet access to research the areas where food is present. Such resources such as local food banks should be provided to local schools and community centers to maximize the amount of people with access.
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